
Archive for the ‘Crop circle research’ Category

Hi there Karin,

Just started reading some pages of the cropcircle etiquette book on the internet. Want to share the next points of attention:

first, “find the farmer and pay the farmer, customary donation is 2 or 3 pounds per person, but langer amounts will ofcourse be welcomed.” (factoid:It has been suggested that crop circle tourism brings an annual revenue of about six million pounds into the area.) 

Better not take the dogs, smoking in the field is selfish, be prepared for the British weather (rainjacket, sunlotion, hat, check!) as well as for long walks, uphill and downhill… and obviously there are no public convienences in a wheat field.

So, no running through the field in summerdresses and flipflops 🙂 

Knowing this we are ready to go, well-prepared and very serious about exploring the cropcircle mystery!

Another interesting factoid from the book: “Many people insist that all crop circles are man-made. If this is true, we have witnessed, over the last quarter century, a spectacular crime wave which occurs predictably within a specific time period and in a known and limited area. This is the most observed and photographed area of agricultural land in the history of the world and yet only one individual has ever been charged.”

See you later!



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Hey Karin,

How are you two doing… still under a blanket on the couch?

This afternoon I found some time to read your posts and the ‘order of time’ website you were writing about. Pretty interesting and this time-stuff is indeed related to what I teach in my ‘Tzolkin-courses’. For me the Tzolkin (or Mayan-calender although it is not THE mayan-calender, there is no such thing as THE mayan-calender) is about recollecting our connection with the galaxy… I realize this might sound a bit hocus pocus to you… but living with this calender synchronizes us with our spiritual path and gives us a deeper understanding of what it is to be a ‘galactic human’ on earth. So, I guess my perspective on galactic time is even a bit more elaborate then what I read on this website. 

Although I am very into uncommon ideas about time(perception), natural time-stuff, lunar, solar and galactic calenders I am not sure the only way to interpret cropcircles is to see them as an expression of alien or galactic beings (don’t forget we are also living in this galaxy and therefore are galactic beings as well) searching for contact and waiting for an answer. In my opinion galactic communication takes place at a different level and those wanting to contact us find ways, they are not waiting for a stamp in the grain. Anyway, If we are talking about this kind of subjects we have to go beyond the scope of our normal human mind… we have to think out of the box!

So, I can appreciate most things written on this site and in this article… And I’m sure the time-management/calenders we use reflect our mindset and our way of managing this planet as a collective but I find the cropcircletheory they propose a bit hollywood-like… (een beetje erbij gehaald, zou ik zeggen).

Well, are we getting any wiser on this cropcircle-stuff? I feel the need to visit one (not the best timing now) to experience for  myself. Everything I have read about the believerside of this subject is the same beautiful inspiring story, all echos from each other.

What to do? Let’s go plan our trip!  When do we have a meeting?

Hope you and Eise soon will be better (Let me know what you think about a distant healingsession, I know somebody…)

Love, Dees

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Hi Dees,

No trip to Bloemendaal & Haarlem this weekend, unfortunately. Eise caught the flu (and an additional ear infection) and I’m not feeling too well either. So I thought this was a good moment to start reading some of the supposedly scientific research into crop circles myself.

But before I got to reading the articles, I found a nice review on W.C. Levengood’s crop circle research. This review addresses two issues I’ve mentioned before, the lack of double blind testing and the circular reasoning (“Although there are no guaranteed genuine formations on which to conduct research, the research supposedly proves the genuineness of the formations.”). Besides these two points, the author (Joe Nickell, Senior Research Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), how cool does that sound!) also points to a fact I hadn’t even realised myself, namely that the correlation Levengood finds between structural and cellular alterations in plants and their location within crop-circle-type formations does not at all show a causal relationship. Of course! This reminds me to something I read earlier, that stalks that have been bent grow longer nodes (one of the signs of a “genuine” crop circle, according to Levengood and other croppies) because they simply have to elevate themselves again.

Just another nice skeptical read! 😉

By the way, I’m quite curious about Karlo’s opinion on crop circles and our blog, couldn’t you push him to leave a comment??

Bye, Karin

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Yo Dees!

Wow. I’m flabbergasted. I stumbled upon this website which is a “participation platform for alternative time consciousness”. It’s called The Order of Time, do you know it? They posted an article on Crop Circles and the Key to the World Order. This article is full of conspiracy theory views on man-made crop circles (their reaction to the circlemakers website: “Apparently this is an action of legally covering it up”) and the author seems convinced of the fact that crop circles are made by an intelligence that tries to communicate with us (“The conclusion is that some intelligence is writing messages in symbol circle code to us on the face of mother earth and we are baffled.”).

The article is mostly about what the intelligence is trying to communicate with us and what we should answer them (“we, from our own selfrespect of conscious control, owe them an answer.”). The author finally comes to the conclusion (I could not really follow the analysis and interpretation) that the meaning of the crop circles is related to time (“From the above as well as from many other religious, philosophical and political options we have to depart from a threefold division of time representing the relationship of our earthly management of time and organic life.”). So Dees, maybe you can connect this to Maya calendars!!

The author ends with designing an answer we could give to the genuine crop circle makers, which is supposed to represent our own complexity of time consciousness. I couldn’t really understand how the explanation of crop circles resulted in this design, maybe you can make something out of it….

I really wonder what you think of this article. You can probably guess my opion…

Cheers, Karin


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Hey Dees,

Well, that was fun! I just watched the Terzake show and thought it was quite cool. I tried keeping some notes, let’s see if I can decypher my scribbles. For my own comfort I’ll just list my observations:

  • Two new terms: agroglyph, another word for crop circles (which seems to be a mostly French term, I learned from a Google search), and the more than fantastic name Cereal Killer :-D.
  • People dressed in Napoleon style are by no means credible. Never.
  • The thought that crop circles are negatives of the thoughts of people living in a fifth or sixth dimension (I was very curious about your reaction to this Dees!!).
  • Crop circles mostly appear near historic monuments. I was thinking, if I wanted ‘facilitate’ the creation of urban myths around something I had made, I would definitely choose such spots on purpose too.
  • Crop circles are visited by over 5000 people. There must be a business model to that!
  • Just a quote: “Amongst experts, this circle is described as “real”.”. I liked the subtle skeptic tone here…
  • I noticed that the Wallonian researcher who took some stalks for further analyses in the lab only took them from within the crop circle, not from outside. So no control sample. They did not find anything out of the ordinary, but I think they should have compared the sample from the circle to a true control sample anyway. Maybe they did not show this in the video, I don’t know.
  • Apparently, many of the videos showing balls of light creating a crop circle are hoaxes. I thought so.
  • Another really nice quote (I’d like to refer back to my business model note): “Crop circles are big business in new age circles.”.
  • OK. Janet Ossebaard. Even you did not really appreciate the arguments she discusses in her book to ‘prove’ that crop circles are not man made, did you? She totally did not convince me. I am just repeating her here: “You ask such difficult questions!”. Really. I did like the fact that the reporter thought of her ideas as an ‘ambitious hypothesis”.logo symposium
  • Should we attend the annual Crop Circle symposium in Glastonbury? Bookings can be made from February onwards. I might want to spend some money on that! Entertainment guaranteed I guess. Going just one day isn’t that expensive, 40 Pounds.
  • Then we had firm believer and conspiracy theorist Andy Thomas (a quick search led me to this website). He claimed that crop circles are not explicable in normal terms. I am completely not convinced of that! So far, the explanations that I have seen for the creation of crop circles by humans is quite convincing. Do you think he would even take the evidence disproving his theories seriously?
  • John Lundberg, the guy behind circlemakers.org mentioned a movie he was making about crop circles with some Japanese people. Note to self: check this out!! I also loved Lundbergs customer list, including Microsoft, Nike, the BBC…
  • Some things that were frequently said about creating a crop circle: “it is simple”, “it is quick”, “he just makes crop circles for fun”.
  • I really liked the interview with crop circle maker ‘Cereal Killer’. Especially the part about why he never exposed himself as the maker of some famous crop circles (because then myths and urban legends rise, people try to explain what happend, which is quite fun. Also, when everyone would know a crop circle was man made, the crop circle itself (which very often is a beautiful piece of landscape art) would get far less attention. It probably all boils down to acknowledgement. In an anonymous way.) This guy was quite concerned about the take up of crop circles by sects and religious groups though, which might also be an interesting issue to explore further (another note to self).
  • Apparently, making a crop circle isn’t that difficult, as long as you prepare it well and make sure your planning and organisation are in order. I can do that! I think.
  • Do you think someone ever made a calculation of the loss of income for farmers because of crop circles?

It is time I started doing some real research myself again, but ah, time…. You know the feeling! I’ll try to remember I ask for Eise’s library card next time I see him (I’m more of a single girl these days!!). Buying crop circle books is just one step too far for me… :-S


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Hi there Karin!

Just found a nice series of video’s perfectly matching with our cropcirclehunt. Watched the first one and can’t wait to see the rest!

These are video’s from the Belgium televisionprogram Terzake, they interviewed croppies as well as skeptics from different countries and did some research themselves!

here’s part 2 (I watched it in the meantime) enjoy!

and part 3.

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Bonjour Karin,

You did a great job there during your lunchbreak… wauw, I should implement this kind of lunchbreaks in my life too! 

I just read the articles from skepp and skepsis and must say that I really liked the down-to-earth approach and humorous style… and ofcourse their arguments are very straight forward. At this moment I have serious doubts about the extraterrestrial origins of crop circles. Not much left of the croppie I could have been…  My common sense is catching up with my spiritual notion here, or maybe I should opt for a ‘commonsense spirituality’, that sound better to me.

Still I find it hard to believe that these highly complex and beautiful crop circles are made by people!

The teamwork and creativity that is needed and also the satisfaction after succeeding must generate a high vibrational energy, or flow, that makes the creation of a cropcircle a spiritual exercise in it self. So Karin, that would be a nice spiritual exercise for you (while I am doing my yogapractice in another circle) 🙂

What comes clear to me is that we are lightbeings ourselves… there might be no higher intelligence who will give us hidden messages in the crop to reach enlightment or something like that. We ourselves ARE capable of doing things that we think of as extraordinary, unique or cosmic. At last we live on this earth as a part of this galaxy, as a part of this universe, as unique beings. And the wisdom we need is inside of everyone of us, just open up!

the cropcircle makers (whatever species they are) give us a great example of something extraordinary we can achieve, they inspire… at least they inspire us to have this nice research en discussion!

Yess, back to business. I was at the library and found the book of Janet Ossebaard and some other. Started to read during my traintrip to Breda this wednesday but fell asleep, not much of a good job here…  I will get back to you on that later. For now there’s one question which is bothering me, about the ‘real’ and ‘fake’ circles (in my opnion all of them are real because they are laying there), when most of them are handmade, why do we not know the exact amount that is made by humans? That could be verifyed, don’t you think?

Have a nice stay in Madrid! Talk to you soon!


Ps. Our friend Bauke thought there might be a tradition of circlemaking in certain families… isn’t that a nice idea?



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