
Posts Tagged ‘Goddess’

We’re back! And we still have some photos to post, and stories to share. We’ll start with some photos. Glastonbury first. After we visited Mike and Sue we went to Bristol and Bath. Both very cool towns, with loads of green, eco things to do. But then. Then we took the bus (loaded with elderly day trippers) to Glastonbury. Were it not for the fact that we had to stand up for more than an hour, and for the terribly smelly corpulent lady sitting too close to us, it would have been a beautiful tour through English country side.

I won’t say too much about Glastonbury, except for the fact that is was the absolute lowlight of our trip. Partly due to the shabby B&B we managed to book, but for the largest part due to the ‘look-at-me-being-spiritual’ people walking around. We enjoyed (windy) Glastonbury Tor (a hill believed to once have been the Island of Avalon) and Chalice Well gardens, but we really needed quite some time to loose our chagrin and to start see the humour of all those people taking themselves and their spiritual views on life way too seriously. The biggest fun of all was the Goddess Conference, which was held in Glastonbury when we visited, attracting a highly dubious crowd of (mostly) women in long, red and frivolous costumes (probably all aspiring to become a high priestess in the Goddess Temple of Avalon). Please have a look at the website, and the conference program to grasp a bit of our hilarious laughter during dinner. Anyway, we took (almost) the first bus out of Glastonbury the next day, and wouldn’t recommend a visit.

Some photos:

Typical bookstore in Glastonbury. Growing needs, really.

Chalice well, lots of iron.

Dees with an angel on her shoulder (very Glastonbury-esque), in Chalice Well Garden.

Windy Glastonbury Tor.

Windy Glastonbury Tor.

The Goddess Conference, right across the street from our B&B.

Goddess in red.

More Goddesses in red. With flowers in their hair (common fashion in Goddess-world).

Goddess in purple.

Multicoloured God. For an uncensored view on his hairy buttocks, zoom in on the hole in his pants.

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